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Still Hiring Contractor As If They Are Consultant❓

In the first place, why do you hire a Consultant❓


For the "English" term, a Consultant is meant to provide a specialized skill set and vast insight into a particular area of expertise that helps you troubleshoot and resolve any critical issue within its capability. Therefore, you will pay a premium to acquire such services.


Design & Installation Engineering Model

The World is Already Getting Smaller 

It has been field-proven widely across the industry, ranging from software development, IT equipment, IT supports, engineering supports, etc. All these can be supported and delivered remotely for highly cost-efficient and quality engineering outputs.

Therefore, this phenomenon will also apply to offshore subsea engineering being supported in a cost-effective country.


Intellectual Property - The Patents

Do you need protection over your knowledge, ideas, technological advancement, services, new invention?
It is a kind of protection that helps to stop any party stealing or copying the authenticity of your idea, of whom you are the originator.
Or why do you/your business need such protection?
Is there a company who are so generous to release some of their patents?


Personal or Corporate Branding, Personal or Corporate knowledge?

There is always a handful of experienced engineers who used to work for any big corporation. And possibly they create a new engineering company. As a new start-up, they can't provide any company track records to execute any engineering work. However, those individuals are very rich with specialized experience. They were the technical authority in their subject matters from the previous company.

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The "Express" Pipelayer Goes Under the Radar

She first appeared in the Gulf of Mexico in the year 2004. She is formerly known as "Midnight Express ". She even owns the patented pipelay system installed onboard the vessel including the two reels, lay ramp and aligner wheel. However, where is she now?

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Installation Analyses Engineering

The Definition of Subcontracting and the Reason for Subcontracting -

Subcontracting is the practice of assigning, or outsourcing, part of the obligations and tasks under a contract to another party known as a subcontractor.

In Oil and Gas Engineering, we see a lot of Engineering Company which conduct and deliver design works, which they serve as a Subcontractor on behalf of an EPCI Company.


Spoolbase Locator

The map presents the spoolbase locations from all pipeline Reel-Lay contractors.

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How relevant is your thesis to the industry?

Many world-class higher institutions have a close working relationship with some major Oil & Gas industry players. Graduates from these institutions will be able to choose either their favourite thesis title or an eye-catchy industrial topic?


The Power of Computing

In these modern days of engineering, the computing power is playing significant roles besides the human for engineering efficiency. The human drives the automation, the scripting and make lengthy analyses and simulation effortless. The idea is to make the computer works more and less human interaction. On these concepts, the power of computing is the key. Cloud computing, HPC, high-performance computing is becoming a usual standard for engineering efficiency.


Be an Engineer or a Manager?

Recently, I came across a post with the title “Stop pushing your best employees into Management Position” from Hugo Schlanger. And, I spotted a few interesting comments by following the same post.
A gentleman by the name of Paul Meleng quoted "The Peter Principle" from Peter Lawrence, “In a hierarchy, everyone gets promoted until they reach their level of Incompetence”. It is not very clear to me the implication. However...



Home of deepLay

From the early days of deepLay, I was always thinking to have deepLay home at my hometown, a place far away from busy big city, As a small international company which will not add additional traffic to big city, A small company who could create jobs and attract talents from local institutions, a small company that is located in the small city but could attract client from Oil city to come, listen and learn from us.


GO Engineering


GO Pipelay

GO Engineering, GO deepLay, it could change the future of any engineering company. Many CLIENTs are focusing on cost-reduction and effective production. And, not every company is able to hire Engineering Specialist or subject matter expert which typically exist in all the big firms. Because they are very skilful and knowledgeable individuals who have been working in their fields for many years. They have successfully supervised and executed many projects with various challenges. 

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