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The Search of a Missing Reel-Lay Vessel - Express

Why is "Express", the Reel-Lay vessel, left alone and cold stack in the Singapore shipyard❓

If she is not doing any job, she eventually will become an expensive rotten vessel. She supposes to complete her refurbishment and ready for some Reel-Lay jobs in South Asia.

How much do you think it will cost to run "Express" with a daily charted and full crew onboard❓

The South-East Asia market should utilize her presence in Singapore and the nearby new spoolbase, such as the latest Bintan Offshore Marine Centre (BOMC) spoolbase, to capture any Reel-Lay job. Especially those infield flowline and even export line as big as 14inch.

The Search of a Missing Reel-Lay Vessel - Express

Reel-Lay, Vessel, Reeling, Spoolbase, Reel-Lay Engineering, Express

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