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Pipeline Installation of 2 or 3 Structures in Catenary

In the last few posts, we discussed the pipe rotation on Structure Installation. It followed by the Yin-Yang in designing the Installable Structure.

Let's level up this discussion, what about achieving the best optimum requirements to laydown not "One", but "Two" or "Three" structures in single catenary.

A field layout is getting more complicated with many drill centres to enhance recovery, moreover, with field extension plan to add a few Inline Tee within a short distance. And all these occur in a deepwater field. It pushes the limit of a project team to account and integrate many following aspects in the structure design lifecycle:

1. Pipe Rotation;
2. CoG control and weight distribution;
3. Mudmat design;
4. What about utilizing the Open Structure Concept, instead of designing it with a protection frame?
5. Piping design inclusive of valve and tee;
6. The connecting interface between pipeline and structure;
7. Pipeline tension & bending moment capacity during installation that limits operational weather window, etc.

Pipeline Installation of 2 or 3 Structures in Catenary

PLET Initiation, PLET Installation, PLET, Subsea Structure, Installation Analysis, Installation Engineering, Pipeline Engineering, Pipeline Installation

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