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Patent on S-Lay Improvement Path on Ramp
It should be quite making sense that we need to have a large stinger end angle to go deeper on S-Lay pipeline installation. The Large Stinger End Angle could be formed by having a long stinger or large Lay Ramp End angle. And the Lay Ramp End angle could be made larger if we have a long area of the Lay Ramp ( between Tensioner and Last Support on the barge at Stern ) or inclined ramp ( the production welding area ).
Here is the patented technology on the improvement of the Pipelaying Path which in this case it has been implemented on a Semi-Submersible Barge. However, it also can be made possible on a typical lay barge.
Pipelay, Installation Engineering, Pipeline Installation, Rigid Pipeline, Pipelay Support Vessel
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