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J-Lay With Travelling Clamp / Block

Is this a typical J-Lay equipment that requires more careful planning to engineer for installation❓

What is the major difference in modelling assumption between travelling clamp and fixed tensioner position❓

It is noticeable that a Hang-Off Module located right below deck level in the moonpool provides the temporary pipeline catenary clamping, but is there a set of roller boxes below the HOM that provides extra contact load distribution❓

So, there is no Tensioner to commence the pipeline payout operation. It means the Travelling Clamp is sliding up and down to provide the pipeline payout operation. How will you model it in the global FEA simulation❓

Which location is giving the worst operability result❓

J-Lay With  Travelling Clamp / Block

HOM, Hang Off Clamp, HOC, McDermott, Amazon, J-Lay, Pipelay Support Vessel, Hex Joint, J-Lay Tower, Pipeline Installation

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